Night Owl 2
Night Owl Windows #2 (Night Owl Publisher) (1995).ISO
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File List
281 lines
ACOM14.ZIP ACOM14.ZIP AceComm v1.4 Windows Comm Package Solid
!>Easy to use Communications Terminal.
!>Robust Ascii/X/Y/YG/Zmodem, QWK Mail
ALTPP15G.ZIP ALTPP15G.ZIP (v1.5g) ALTPP15g - Alpha, The Pager
!>Program Software that allows you to send
!>messages to alpha-numeric pagers from
!>Windows. Powerful but easy to use.
!>Supports a large number of users and
!>different alpha-numeric paging systems.
!> An optional log will record all
!>messages that are sent. Easy set-up.
!>Shareware (US$ 29.95. - MC/Visa) BBC
!>Software Corporation, CIS 72144,2331
AMLITE11.ZIP AMLITE11.ZIP Answering Maching Light - monitors faxes
!>and messages received by BitFax Pro
!>V3.07 (or V3.02) for Windows, and uses
!>an unused COM port to flash an LED when
!>you have received faxes or messages
!>which haven't been viewed.
CCLINK13.ZIP CCLINK13.ZIP CCLINK v1.3: MS-Windows modem monitor
!>that monitors modems and serial and
!>parallel ports from a user's Windows or
!>Windows for Workgroups desktop; limited
!>Windows 95 compat
!>Windows. A utility to help keep track of
!>connect time to various services.
CMNET14D.ZIP CMNET14D.ZIP CommNet Ver. 1.4 CommNet is a Windows
!>based data communications software
!>package which seamlessly integrates
!>modem dial-up and Internet Telnet
!>capability into a single, fast,
!>full-featured, and easy-to-use
COAX1.ZIP COAX1.ZIP Coax Calculator for Windows. This will
!>help you determine what type of coax
!>would be best to use. Very good for
!>comparing side by side. Gives info on
!>RG58, RG8, 1/2 and 3/8 inch hardline.
!>Covers frequencies from 3.5 to 420 Mhz.
!> Every ham must have this on his hard
COMMLYNK.ZIP COMMLYNK.ZIP This is a Windows modem configurator
!>which provides 200 modem selections.
!>Includes necessary run-time library
!>files. Provides cut/copy/paste options
!>to manipulate user-defined code strings,
!>modem profiles
!>Script which automates CRS login. Gives
!>choice to capture file lists to your
!>default capture directory then asks if
!>you want to stay online! Only for use
!>with PROCOMM PLUS for Windows Version 2.
CSW200.ZIP CSW200.ZIP CompuSlave For Windows Version 2.00
!><ASP> CompuSlave imports CompuServe
!>forum capture files into a database,
!>converting them to individual messages.
CTSSPU33.ZIP CTSSPU33.ZIP CTS Serial Port Utilities v3.3:
!>Detect/Fix modem & comm problems. ID
!>ports & IRQs used, conflicts & ports
!>that can't generate IRQs. Three NEW
!>utilities: BIOS Fix, ResetModem & HangUp
!>solve many modem problems. Run "PortInfo
!>/L" from DOS or the Win95 "DOS mode
DIALW417.ZIP DIALW417.ZIP Many featured, fun phone dialer. Reqs MS
!>Windows and vbrun300.dll
EZC_V100.ZIP EZC_V100.ZIP EZ-COMM Windows Communications Program.
!>Easy Low Cost Windows Communications
!>Program Supports Baud Rates From 300-
!>230,000 BPS. Works With Windows 3.xx
!>Through Windows 95. Registration Only
!>$20.00 {US} EZSoft Software.
FAX_V428.ZIP FAX_V428.ZIP FaxMail for Windows adds full FAXing
!>capability menu to all Windows
FDIAL201.ZIP FDIAL201.ZIP FastDial v2.01 for MS-Win 3.x: Simple to
!>use phone dialer, any number of phone
!>nums, store by category, search.
FONEW332.ZIP FONEW332.ZIP DiaLog - A Windows phone Dialer and
!>Logger and much more Has a 'No Modem'
!>mode. 4 addr books, 6 phone #'s and 4
!>BBS ID's per entry. Dials special
!>Tone-Dial services. International dates
!>and times.
ICOMM103.ZIP ICOMM103.ZIP I-Comm 1.02 is a full feature WWW
!>graphical browser and modem
!>communication program. It does not
!>require any SLIP/PPP connection. I-Comm
!>supports HTTP, FTP and Gopher, X,Y,Z
!>modem protocols, supports batch
!>download, forms, smart disk caching,
!>etc. ShareWare.
INTLOG17.ZIP INTLOG17.ZIP InterLog v1.7 is a small MS-Windows (or
!>MSWindows 95) pgm that monitors your
!>time on the Internet and gives you an
!>instant readout
!>1.0 Easy-to-use interface to
!>CompuServe's Knowledge Index. Save money
!>on CIS. Requires PROCOMM PLUS for
!>Windows v1.0.
!>2.0 Easy-to-use interface to
!>CompuServe's Knowledge Index. Automate
!>your CIS access Requires PROCOMM PLUS
!>for Windows v2.0.
LINK210.ZIP LINK210.ZIP Link Auto Dialer for Callback Services
!>Connect your comm programs to your
!>server using your callback service.
!>Voice dial and timer. Keep and print
!>records. Best hits list of both programs
!>and voice numbers. Compact interface
!>Shareware <ASP) needs vbrun300.dll
LOGT2_0.ZIP LOGT2_0.ZIP LogTick v2.0: MS-Windows util that
!>enables you to keep track of phone costs
MLW03.ZIP MLW03.ZIP MultiLink For Windows(TM) Trial Version
!>03. MLW provides the capability for
!>multiple users to share a single
!>Microsoft Windowsbased computer by
!>attaching PCTERM terminals or PC's
!>running MLWterm (included) on a host
NETERM27.ZIP NETERM27.ZIP NetTerm v2.7 Internet Telnet OVID Zmodem
!>SLIP NetTerm is a Windows based terminal
!>emulator with fast zmodem file
!>transfers. Use as a dialer program for
!>SLIP/PPP. For Internet hosts, the telnet
!>protocol is enabled with VT100 and full
!>ANSI. Includes ftp server.
NETSEND1.ZIP NETSEND1.ZIP NETSEND V1.00 encodes binary programs
!>for email similar to UUEncoding, however
!>the ASCII code is executable.
NT27BETA.ZIP NT27BETA.ZIP NetTerm v2.7 Internet Telnet OVID Zmodem
!>SLIP NetTerm is a Windows based terminal
!>emulator with fast zmodem file
!>transfers. It can also be used as a
!>dialer program for SLIP/PPP and includes
!>a built in scripting language. For
!>Internet hosts, the telnet protocol is
!>enabled with VT100 and full ANSI
!>graphics. A ftp server is included.
!>Transparent printing and local host
!>editing is supported for UNIX.
ODY20W.ZIP ODY20W.ZIP Odyssey for Windows. Ver 2.00 - Award
!>Winning communications program, complete
!>with faxing capabilities, excellent
!>Terminal emulation modes, built-in file
!>transfer protocols, powerful scripting
!>language and script compiler,
!>multi-file transfer, view files
!>(Prestel) while downloading, and much
!>more! 45-day Evaluation Version, TRIUS,
ONLTT303.ZIP ONLTT303.ZIP Online Time Tracker v3.0.3 for Windows
PAGER_15.ZIP PAGER_15.ZIP Pager - monitors your phone line via a
!>modem and sends a message to a numeric
!>pager when it rings. MS-Windows.
POWRACC.ZIP POWRACC.ZIP PowerAccess v1.0: Totally FREE terminal
!>program offering amazing Windows
!>MULTIMEDIA experience online for
!>PowerBBS BBS systems as well as full
!>ANSI access to other BBS'!
PPAGE111.ZIP PPAGE111.ZIP PowerPage v1.11 allows you to send
!>messages. to alpha-numeric pagers. Reqs
!>Windows 3.1
Q95INFO.ZIP Q95INFO.ZIP Sample scripts for QmodemPro for Windows
QDLR205.ZIP QDLR205.ZIP QDialer v2.04 for Windows Quik Dialer is
!>a quick and easy way to setup Phone
!>Numbers that you call frequently and
!>call them Quick! reqs VBRUN300.DLL
!>Shareware: US$15
QVTWS398.ZIP QVTWS398.ZIP WinQVT/NET 16-bit TCP/IP services for
!>Windows v3.98 Shareware from QPC
QWIN111C.ZIP QWIN111C.ZIP Feature list for QmodemPro for Windows
SAVEBBS.ZIP SAVEBBS.ZIP Saver's BBS Address Book - An easy to
!>use Windows program designed to make the
!>storage of your BBS address and phone
!>numbers simple
!>Windows. A utility to help keep track of
!>connect time to various services.
!>Convert stock data from popular file
!>formats such as Prodigy, CompuServe,
!>America Online, and Quicken, Wall Street
!>Simulator. Handy! $5
!>communications program. Both terminal
!>and host modes
SMTSRF11.ZIP SMTSRF11.ZIP SmartSurf v1.1 - FREE Windows on-line
!>time and usage monitoring system.
!>Install and forget - works completely
!>automatically, starts and stops with
!>your on-line apps. Tiny display can be
!>stuck on any window caption to show
!>current sesssion time and costs (phone
!>& service). Understands most charging
!>schemes. Analysis capabilities built in,
!>produce reports or export to
!>spreadsheets etc.
SMWIN201.ZIP SMWIN201.ZIP Smart r8 Control For Windows V2.01
!>Powerful New Windows 3.1 Control Program
!>For The Drake r8 Receiver. Reqs Windows
!>3.1, VGA.
STRFND10.ZIP STRFND10.ZIP Windows utility for scanning BBS
!>filelists off-line. StringFinder 1.0.
!>Excellent Windows search utility
!>w/built-in QWK packet handling
SYMFON11.ZIP SYMFON11.ZIP (v1.1) SymPhone - Phone number to words
!>and phrases. Enter a number and pgm list
!>all words and phrases that this number
!>maps to. For example: 587 8423 maps to
!>JUSTICE. Needs VBRUN300.DLL and Windows
!>3.1 or higher. Freeware.
TCALL102.ZIP TCALL102.ZIP THECALL 1.02 - Feature rich Windows
!>Terminal written by SysOps who listened
!>to users. Drag and Drop file transfers
!>from File Manager, Script Language, Auto
!>Zmodem, Simple Installation, Toolbar,
!>Direct access to Mail Readers,
!>Configurable Sounds. ANSI-BBS, VT-100,
!>VT-52, TTY Emulation. Port rates up to
!>115200, with over 400 modem
!>configurations. Background
!>Communications, On-Line Help. CompuServe
!>SWREG 5567.
TFW101D1.ZIP TFW101D1.ZIP Telix for Windows 1.01d - the most
!>popular shareware communications program
!>ever! Time-limited version; $99.00 reg.;
!>Disk [1/2]
TFW101D2.ZIP TFW101D2.ZIP Telix for Windows v1.01d Disk
TFWCLEAN.ZIP TFWCLEAN.ZIP This file, direct from the makers of
!>Telix for Windows, will remove all
!>external timelimiting files from your
!>hard drive. It is intended for use by
!>users of unregistered versions 1.01b and
!>prior ONLY.
TIMEST11.ZIP TIMEST11.ZIP Estimate Up/Download Time/$ v1.1 - Time
!>and cost of downloading or uploading
!>files. Customizable estimates and
!>associated costs are given for 2400,
!>9600, 14400, 19200 and 28800 Baud.
!>Requires VBRUN300.DLL. Windows.
TTRAK13.ZIP TTRAK13.ZIP Time Trakker v1.3 - Shareware program
!>for Windows to keep track of how much
!>time you spend in a given application.
!>Great for On-line services such as AOL.
!>reqs vbrun300
VCOMM151.ZIP VCOMM151.ZIP Vcomm v1.51 [beta] for Windows is a
!>powerful comm program. It features all
!>of the common file transfer protocols &
!>terminal emulations
WCBBS115.ZIP WCBBS115.ZIP Nov95 Chicago CBBS List in Windows HLP
WINTL222.ZIP WINTL222.ZIP WinTel 2.2.2 is a full featured
!>communication program for Windows 3.1 or
!>later View GIF JPEG while downloading
!>and an offline GIF/JPEG viewer. Uuencode
!>and uudecode.
WIN_ID.ZIP WIN_ID.ZIP Windows caller id. For your computer.
!>See who is online from your screen.
WMPLUS10.ZIP WMPLUS10.ZIP WINMODEM-PLUS v1.00 - WinModem makes the
!>invisible visible. If you have an
!>internal modem, WinModem can supply the
!>missing status lights. Selected by
!>Windows Magazine, Computer Shopper and
!>PC World as a must-have
ZPCOM13D.ZIP ZPCOM13D.ZIP SPComm version 1.3d. Windows 3.1 Comm
!>Program w/multi number dialing,
!>AutoZmodem DL MORE